Hosting amazing events shouldn’t cost the earth.
We are responsible for the impact of the events that we create, so it’s our responsibility to find new and innovative ways to reduce this footprint each time we produce an event. That’s why at First Event, we are committed to creating sustainable practices that reduce our environmental impact every day.
But, we can all do more. It’s our collective responsibility to make sustainable practices the norm. As a market leading events provider, we have the opportunity to take the lead, and create the kind of sustainable events we want to see practised as standard throughout the industry.
Our vision
We’ve always done things a little differently at First Event, and our approach to our sustainable practices is no different. We want to become a leading voice of sustainability within the industry, pushing for meaningful, lasting, and sustainable change wherever possible.
We walk the walk
We don’t just talk the sustainable talk…we walk the sustainable walk working with our clients.
But it’s not just about improving our own practices. Each time we work with one of our amazing clients, we have the opportunity to challenge how things have always been done, and find ways to work together to improve their sustainable practices too.
This all starts with the event planning process. At every decision-making point, at every turn, sustainability is the most important factor taken into account as we plan each element of the event. This includes aspects such as:
- Production.
- Transport and location.
- Digital elements.
- Materials.
- Food and drinks.
Working on ourselves
The most important change starts with us. By following our carefully drawn up sustainability standards, we can check our decision making processes at every turn, and make sure that what we’re doing is truly sustainable. We prioritise things like:
Working with our suppliers to maintain sustainable purchasing.
Reusing materials whenever we can.
Promoting recycling throughout our sites, and the use of recycled materials.
Disposing of all our electronics correctly and safely.
Preventing pollution and emissions where we can.
Reducing noise and visual pollution in the local environments to our locations.
Reducing consumption of water and energy.

Working on ourselves.
But sustainability isn’t just about protecting the environment. It’s also about protecting each and every person who supports the delivery of a First Event idea. We do this by practising fair treatment of all our employees and supply chain. We prioritise: fair contracts, stakeholder wellbeing, local sourcing, team equality and preventing pollution and financial viability.

Managing our suppliers
As part of ensuring that every element of our events is as sustainable as possible, we only work with suppliers who can meet our social responsibility standards. Every organisation we work with is subjected to a rigorous vetting process, where we examine things like:
Environmental management practices
Product environmental impact
Suppliers buying practices
Social responsibility and practices